Migration to V2

Quick Overview

Basically, this major would allow you to do this:

import { DynamicPublicDirectory } from "vite-multiple-assets";

const defaultExcluded = ["{,**/}.git/**", "{,**/}{,*}.local{,/**}", "src/**", "dist/**", "node_modules/**", "public/**", "vite.config.*.*"];

DynamicPublicDirectory(["public/**", "**"], {
    ignore: [...defaultExcluded.filter(v => v.search("public") == -1), "/public", "*lock*"],
}) as PluginOption,

What does it do?

  • It would copy everything from public to dist/
  • It would also copy everything from the root to dist/
  • But, except junks and cache like .git, *.local, and node_modules
  • It would also not copy dist/ folder if it is already exists. (Well, we do not want deep duplication)
  • It would also exclude the public/ itself, but not the content of it.

That's it.

Migration Step

This major is taking advantage of Globs Pattern using fast-glob and micromatch. Take a look at this basic v1 configuration:

+ import { type PluginOption } from 'vite'
- import DynamicPublicDirectory from "vite-multiple-assets";
+ import { DynamicPublicDirectory } from "vite-multiple-assets";
// same level as project root
- const dirAssets=["libs/assets","repo1/assets", "/"];
+ const dirAssets=["libs/{\x01,assets}/**","repo1/{\x01,assets}/**", "**"];

// example
const mimeTypes = {

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [
-       })
+       }) as PluginOption

As such, you just need to add wildcard /** at the end of it

See? There are no much to change.

Developer Notes